Password-protected internal SD cards[edit | edit source]
All internal SD cards (with firmware, maps and so on) are locked using password and it's almost impossible to use such cards in other devices without removing password protection.
All devices from all generations (x000, x100, x200 and Fx60, Fx70, Fx80) using the same password.
In order to access data stored on your internal SD card you need to remove password protection (unlock) from your SD card.
Any new SD card without password will be password-locked by bootloader on first boot. You need to remove password from BSP first if you want to disable this "feature".
First method[edit | edit source]
Store testmode_a.key in root folder of FAT32-formatted USB stick, insert this USB stick into USB1, power on your head unit and head unit will boot into TestMode. Use Mode Change menu item to unlock your internal SD card. After unlocking your SD card you should power off head unit and don't power on until you remove internal SD card.
This method is working if you are able to enter TestMode (e.g. your device is still able to boot).
Second method[edit | edit source]
Store testmode_n.key type 3 (mode change key) in root folder of FAT32-formatted USB stick, insert this USB stick into USB1, power on your head unit and head unit will show message that it successfully unlocked your SD card. After unlocking your SD card you should power off head unit and don't power on until you remove internal SD card.
This method is using unlock program stored in NOR flash memory and able to unlock even clean SD card without firmware at all.
Third method[edit | edit source]
You can use special software for head unit and shell script. Software is able to unlock SD card and remove BSP password in one call so your SD cards will be never locked again. Software is available by request at this moment.